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Bridging the gap between technology and accessibility
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In the videos of these playlists you will know about multiple accessible Keyboards for android, and also the full detail about using a external keyboard with screen reader in our phone. (like: navigation using physical keyboard, text editing, and more)
View Accessible Keyboards playlist by Tech Assistant for Blind.
View Accessible playlist by Himanshu Tech Vision.
View External Keyboard playlist by HimHimanshu Tech Vision.
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In the videos of these playlists you will know about the latest Updates and the Features of WhatsApp and Telegram.
View WhatsApp Updates and Features playlist by Tech Assistant for Blind.
View WhatsApp Updates and Features playlist by Blind Tech Paras.
View WhatsApp Updates and Features playlist by Himanshu Tech Vision.
View Telegram playlist by Tech Assistant for Blind.
View Telegram playlist by Blind Tech Paras.
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In the videos of this playlist you will know about using the IPhone (IOS) with the use of the screen reader. (Voice over) for multiple topics.
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This is a special series by Tech Assistant for Blind, where we try to answer all the Questions asked by the Subscribers in the comment box.
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In the videos of these playlists you will know to use the Commentary Screen Reader (Jieshuo) from the basic. you will know about the settings, functions, and the features of CSR.
View CSR Playlist by Blind Tech Paras.
View CSR Playlist by Himanshu Tech Vision.
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In the Videos of these Playlists You will know about many Text to Speech Voices and converters. English voices, Hindi voices, Multiple Languages, TTS applications, or Websites all the things are covered in these Playlists.
View Text-to-Speech Playlist by Tech Assistant for Blind.
View Text-to-Speech Playlist by Himanshu Tech Vision.
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In the Videos of these Playlists you will know about the useful Tips and Tricks Related to Android. By following these Playlists you will be able to know more about Android, and to do more things in your phone.
View Android Tips&Tricks Playlist by Blind Tech Paras.
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In the videos of these Playlists you will know about the Updates, Settings, Tricks, Problems or Solutions of TalkBack. By following these videos you will be able to use your Phone more efficiently with the TalkBack.
View TalkBack Playlist by Tech Assistant for Blind.
View TalkBack Playlist by Blind Tech Paras.
View TalkBack Playlist by Himanshu Tech Vision.
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In the videos of these playlists you will know about using the Computer/Laptop, Tips and Tricks related to windows or screen readers, Text to Speeches available for NVDA or Jaws, with the use of The Screen Reader.
View Basic Computer Playlist by Tech Assistant for Blind.
View Basic Computer Playlist by Himanshu Tech Vision.
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In the Videos of these Playlists you will know about the Video and Audio Editing in Android using multiple Video Editors, with screen reader.
View Video Editing Playlist by Himanshu Tech Vision.
View Video and Audio Editing Playlist by Tech Assistant for Blind.