Bridging the gap between technology and accessibility

Licensing Policy

This Licensing Policy applies to the content and software provided by Tech Assistant for Blind Foundation, Inc, a registered NGO in Mumbai, India, that is dedicated to providing technical assistance and support to blind and visually impaired individuals for the betterment of their society.


Tech Assistant for Blind Foundation, Inc. is a non-governmental organization committed to empowering the visually impaired community through technological assistance and support services. In our pursuit of accessibility, we prioritize the use of open-sourced and non-copyrighted materials across various project components such as textbooks, audio materials, graphics, video content, third-party modules/libraries, and code.

Our dedication to the betterment of society extends to ensuring that our projects are developed with inclusivity in mind. By utilizing open-source and non-copyrighted materials, we aim to create an environment that fosters innovation and collaboration while eliminating barriers for individuals with visual impairments.

Usage of Third-Party Software:

We acknowledge the vital role that third-party software and content play in our initiatives. In incorporating copyrighted materials, we adhere to strict guidelines to ensure proper attribution and credits are given to the rightful owners. This approach is vital for maintaining ethical practices and fostering positive relationships with individuals, organizations, and corporations that generously contribute their resources to benefit the visually impaired community.

Understanding that copyrighted materials are often integral to enhancing the quality of our projects, we actively seek donations and permissions to use and provide such materials free of cost. This commitment reflects our dedication to ensuring that visually impaired individuals have access to a diverse range of resources that can enhance their learning and overall experience.

legal Compliance:

Tech Assistant for Blind Foundation, Inc. operates within the legal framework outlined in the Copyright Amendment Act, 2012, of India. We adhere to the provisions that permit organizations to provide materials if they contribute to assisting visually impaired individuals. This commitment ensures that our initiatives align with legal standards and contribute positively to the development of accessible resources for the visually impaired community.

Our operations are rooted in compliance with the law, and we encourage all stakeholders, including users and contributors, to familiarize themselves with the complete legal document for a detailed understanding of the regulatory framework. This transparent approach aims to build trust and promote accountability within our community.

You can Download the Copyright Amendment Act 2012 from here:Copyright amendment act,2012

Authorized Use:

By accessing and using Tech Assistant for Blind Foundation, Inc.’s services, users agree to comply with this License Policy. The authorization for use is granted for personal, non-commercial purposes directly related to the improvement of accessibility and support for the visually impaired community.

Authorized use encompasses activities that contribute positively to the development of inclusive technologies, educational resources, and support services for individuals with visual impairments. This policy establishes a framework that encourages users to engage with our services responsibly and ethically.

Prohibited Activities:

Tech Assistant for Blind Foundation, Inc. strictly prohibits unauthorized reproduction, distribution, modification, or any other use of our materials for commercial purposes. This prohibition aims to protect the integrity of our projects and ensure that the resources we provide remain accessible to the intended audience – individuals with visual impairments.

Commercial activities, including the sale or distribution of our materials for financial gain without explicit permission, are in direct violation of this policy. Such activities undermine the principles of accessibility and inclusivity that form the foundation of our organization’s mission.

Any violation of this policy may result in legal action to protect the interests of Tech Assistant for Blind Foundation, Inc. and the visually impaired community we serve. We emphasize the importance of adhering to these guidelines to maintain the integrity and purpose of our initiatives.


Tech Assistant for Blind Foundation, Inc. provides technological assistance and support services on an “as-is” basis. We make no warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of the information and materials provided.

While we strive to offer high-quality and accurate resources, users acknowledge that the nature of technology and information may involve occasional errors or inconsistencies. This disclaimer establishes transparency about the limitations of our services and encourages users to exercise their discretion when utilizing the provided resources.

Modifications to the License Policy:

Tech Assistant for Blind Foundation, Inc. reserves the right to modify or update this License Policy at any time. Users are responsible for regularly reviewing the policy to stay informed about any changes. Modifications may be made to address legal updates, improve clarity, or respond to evolving needs within the visually impaired community.

We are committed to keeping our stakeholders informed about any changes to this policy. In the event of modifications, users will be notified through our official communication channels, ensuring transparency and providing an opportunity for users to adjust their practices accordingly.

Contact Information:

For any inquiries or concerns related to this License Policy, users may contact Tech Assistant for Blind Foundation, Inc. by using this form:Contact Form. We encourage open communication and value feedback from our community to continuously improve our services and policies.

In conclusion, Tech Assistant for Blind Foundation, Inc. emphasizes its commitment to accessibility, inclusivity, and legal compliance through this comprehensive License Policy. By outlining the principles and guidelines governing the use of our technological assistance and support services, we aim to create a transparent and accountable environment that prioritizes the needs of the visually impaired community. Users, contributors, and stakeholders are integral to the success of our initiatives, and we appreciate their cooperation in building a more accessible and supportive future for individuals with visual impairments.

This License Policy was last updated on January 23,2024
