Bridging the gap between technology and accessibility

Tech Assistant AI 2.0

We create AI solutions entirely on the web for the visually impaired community. We are regularly expanding our AI tools library.

Current AI Tools

  • Tech Assistant Image AI

    This tool assists with providing detailed image descriptions tailored for visually impaired individuals. It is a powerful AI-powered image processing solution crafted to deliver detailed image descriptions. With Tech Assistant Image AI, you can simply upload images or capture them directly from your camera, and let the AI effortlessly recognize and describe them.

    Open Tool (Tech Assistant Image AI)

  • Tech Assistant Audio AI

    This tool assists with summarizing lengthy audio recordings and capturing key points, enriching your auditory experiences with advanced analysis of content, tone, atmosphere, and more. Supporting audio files up to 200 MB, it can handle even epic 6-hour audiobooks.

    Open Tool (Tech Assistant Audio AI)
