Bridging the gap between technology and accessibility

Important playlists

Question and Answer Series for blind

This is a Special series by Tech Assistant for Blind, to answer the Questions asked by the subscribers in the comment box.

Basic Computer for Blind Users

For learning to use the computer, Tips and Tricks with Screen Reader, you can check the playlists.

Text To Speech Voices

To know about multiple Text to Speeches, Humanitic Voices, and Converters in english, hindi or for multiple languages, you can check these Playlists.


To Know about The Settings, Updates, Tips and Tricks or Problems and solutions of TalkBack, You can check these Playlists.

Android Tips and Tricks

To gain more knowledge about your phone, like: increasing its performance, batterylife and many more tricks, you can check These Playlists.

Video and Audio Editing

To learn about Video and Audio editing, you can check these Playlists.

Commentary Screen Reader

For learning to use the Commentary Screen Reader from basic, you can check these playlists.

Some More Playlists.

Using Iphone with Screen Reader (Voice Over)

To learn using the IPhone with the Screen Reader (voice over), you can check this playlist.

Using Physical keyboard and some Accessible keyboards in Android

For learning to use the External keyboard with screen reader, or for multiple Accessible keyboards android, you can check these playlists.

Latest Updates and Features of WhatsApp and Telegram

To be updated about the latest Updates and features of the most used messaging apps (WhatsApp and Telegram) you can check these playlists.

more Playlists

For more useful playlists, you can directly visit our channels:

Tech Assistant for Blind.

Blind Tech Paras.

Himanshu Tech Vision.
